Numerous benefits for patients and care providers have led to a growing demand for minimally-invasive techniques and therapies. Such procedures not only reduces patient trauma but also shortens recovery times. Effective imaging, measurement and navigation technologies are therefore key to guiding minimally-invasive procedures.
Philips Healthcare, a global leader in health technology, recently launched Azurion, its new-generation image-guided therapy platform (IGT). The platform is powered by ConnectOS, Philips’ newly developed operating system to optimize system integration which features an easy-to-use intuitive user interface combined with real-time information on multiple work spots within the interventional lab. The system is the result of a multi-year extensive research and development program involving leading cardiologists across the globe and innovation teams at Philips.
Provide Superior Care
Azurion helps to maintain high standards of quality and safety by:
- ProcedureCards that include hospital specific documents to streamline and standardize system operation and reduce preparation errors.
- Table side control of all relevant applications, which can help reduce the need to move in and out of the sterile area during a procedure.
- Zero Dose Positioning that allows you to navigate to your new region of interest without using fluoroscopy.
Optimize Lab Performance
The Philips Azurion system enabled St. Antonius Hospital, Netherlands improve operational and clinical efficiency in the interventional suite while maintaining high quality care and staff satisfaction. The hospital witnessed 12% reduction in patient preparation time, 17% reduction in procedure time, 28% reduction in post-procedure lab time ultimately enabling the hospital to treat 1 more patient per day.
With the Azurion system, we were able to change our workflow in such a way that we now can do more patients in a single day, resulting in more patients a week, resulting in more patients per year, with no compromise to patient safety or quality of care.
Marco van Strijen, MD, Interventional Radiologist
St. Antonius Hospital, Utrecht/Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Enhance User Experience
This IGT system is equipped with a very user friendly interface through a touch screen module where all the information is clearly visible against the distinctive black background where active applications are highlighted. Backlit icons and distinctly shaped buttons on the Control Module promote intuitive operation.
Philips Dose management solutions enables superb visualization in many different application areas. Its ClarityIQ technology provides high quality imaging for a comprehensive range of clinical procedures, achieving excellent visibility at ultra-low X-ray dose levels for patients of all sizes.
Learn more about this unique IGT system, its performance and superior benefits:
Low-dose X-ray System
Within live imaging guidance family, Philips also has a low-dose interventional x-ray system – AlluraClarity with ClarityIQ technology. This provides high quality imaging for a full range of clinical procedures at ultra-low dose resulting in reduced risk of complications from radiation exposure for patients also reduces long‐term health risk for physicians and staff.
18 clinical studies on 3840 patients have been published on the AlluraClarity to date for for interventional neuroradiology, interventional cardiology, interventional oncology and vascular. These studies revealed that with ClarityIQ there is significantly lower dose across clinical areas, patients and operators.
The system reduces motion artifacts for neuro and vascular cases by aligning images with each other before subtraction. The AlluraClarity performs pixel shifting automatically and in real-time using the Automatic Motion Control (AMC) feature. To reduce X-ray dose without losing clinically relevant information in dynamic cardiac anatomy, ClarityIQ technology uses a new motion compensation feature. It reduces image blur on moving objects, like the heart and GI tract, in part of an image and thereby enhances the quality of the image. over 500 system parameters have been fine-tuned within ClarityIQ technology, and individual image processing features can be adjusted independently.
At The First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University (Second Campus), Jilin, China, Philips AlluraClarity system provides equivalent image quality at 50% X-ray dose reduction without any change in how procedures are conducted. Hospitals globally can surely benefit a lot from this advantage of reducing radiation dose without comprising clinical image quality.
Learn more about this low-dose Interventional X-ray system: